
¿Quién es Danae Mercer, la influencer que publica fotos reales?


¿Quién es Danae Mercer, la influencer que publica fotos reales?

POR Sole Hott | 08 julio 2020

La influencer se ha dedicado a desvelar los montajes a los que se recurren en redes sociales. En tiempos del body positive como referente, ciertos cánones estéticos considerados únicos, han sido relevados por cuerpo normales. Y Danae Mercer se ha encargado de acabar con los mitos de perfección a través de su Instagram.

Pero, ¿quién es Danae Mercer?

La modelo y periodista estadounidense de 33 años, ‘freelancea’ para varios medios internacionales. Desde hace algún tiempo publica fotos sobre la realidad no real de los cuerpos en Instagram, y sobre cómo una imagen puede tener dos caras. “Solo quería recordarles hoy que las redes sociales tienen filtro. Las películas son retocadas. Las revistas son retocadas. Nada de eso es un estándar contra el cual deberías compararte”. Y sugiere “no compararse jamás con una persona desconocida de Internet”, aún cuando insiste en que no tiene nada de malo querer verse bien.


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Insta vs reality — or LETS talk LIGHTING. Because that’s the main difference in these photos. In one, my bum is deliberately angled into the shadows. The softer light hides my cellulite and smooths most of my stretchmarks. It’s flattering. In the other, I’m just casually squatting (lol) beside the mirror. My hips and thighs are in the sunlight. Lumps and bumps are on show. There are a few posing differences (core tight, hips popped back, squeeeezzzinnnggg), but mostly this pic is about LIGHT working its magic. When I worked in magazines, we shot at sunrise or sunset. On most sets, there were people holding SUN DIFFUSERS and REFLECTORS to help create the perfect FLATTERING balance of shadow and light. The same thing happens on SOCIAL MEDIA, just in a different form. Most insta-models know EXACTLY how to POSE and work their angles. And they know LIGHTING too. Like how SIDE LIGHT, diffused from a window, is the most flattering for abs but usually pretty harsh on the face. It’s why you’ll often see a phone covering the face. Or how SHADOWS can gently eliminate certain LUMPS and BUMPS. All that is fine with me, honestly. It’s art and photography, and there is no shame in wanting to look FIERCE. But I also want to remind you about how SO MUCH on here is FILTERED. POSED. PERFECTED. And how you shouldn’t EVER COMPARE YOURSELF to a STRANGER on the internet. Because cowgirl, you’re just seeing their snapshots taken in PERFECT LIGHT. Your reality is a whole lot more varied, diverse, and human than that. It’s more perfectly imperfect. Real. Raw. And that’s a wonderful thing indeed. You got this. x #instavsreality #womenirl #womenshealth #popsugarfitness #instagramvsreality #posingtips #cellulite #strengthmarks

Una publicación compartida de Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) el

Pero no todo lo que vemos es real. Y Mercer utiliza su cuenta de Instagram para hablar sobre el tema de los estereotipos de cuerpo y la inmensidad de efectos y retoques que se utilizan en Internet. Además, cuenta su propia historia y relación con el tema. Explicó cómo las imágenes de la televisión y las revistas la hicieron creer desde los 13 años que tener celulitis no era normal y cómo su obsesión por el físico la llevó a desarrollar trastornos alimenticios. A los 19 años había perdido en tan solo 3 meses, más de 1/3 de peso corporal. Por lo mismo, sugiere a todo aquel que “cuente calorías de una manera obsesiva”, debe buscar ayuda profesional.

Si bien las redes sociales abundad las fotos de cuerpos “perfectos”, o lo que se cree por ideal, para Mercer también hay espacio para cuentas como las suyas, que precisamente denuncian el culto excesivo del físico. Iniciativas diferentes, pero más reales, sobre los diferentes físicos que existen y como todos ellos son perfectos a su manera, o bien, que reflejan que la imperfección es normal.


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What would you tell your 13-year-old self? I’d teach me, baby me, that OVER 80% of women have CELLULITE. That stretchmarks are common. That bodies are MEANT to change. That thighs CAN be squishy or strong or soft or come in so many different shapes. And those are just some of the PHYSICAL lessons. The exterior, the wrapping. I’d also tell her about how women must support each other, about how society tells us COMPETITION is the answer but it isn’t, it’s a game designed so we all LOSE; I’d teach her about CONSENT and assault and safety; I’d hug her close and tell her how PERFECTION doesn’t make friends, but vulnerability DOES builds FAMILIES. I’d tell her so much. I’d tell my 30-year-old self these things too. And I suppose that’s what I hope we can do on here: Together, clumsy and messy as we are, we can REWRITE the rules. We can HAVE these CONVERSATIONS. Not just for the little girls we ONCE WERE, but for the WOMEN we now are. We can REMEMBER and LEARN and RELEARN these delicate, nuanced lessons. About our BODIES, and how our BODIES are so wonderfully NORMAL, even if we have been told for so long that they are FLAWED. About our PERSONALITIES. About our HEARTS. About US. Together. Together we can fight for this CHANGE. Whether it’s one wiggly jiggly bum selfie, Or one authentic moment with a stranger talking across a screen. Bit by bit Moment by moment Women EMPOWERING WOMEN One step at a time. x #selflove #feminist #bodyacceptance #womenirl #meufparis

Una publicación compartida de Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) el

Danae Mercer se hizo viral por enseñar a usar programas de retoque fotográfico, o bien, mostrar que la magia de estas imágenes está en la postura o en la luz, efectos. En diferentes videos y fotos comparativas la periodista expone cómo todas podemos tener michelines, estrías y la odiada celulitis, pero resalta que “lo importante es que cambiemos la conversación”.

“Insta vs Realidad / o por qué la PERFECCIÓN es PELIGROSA: La perfección pone un muro entre nosotros y los demás. Lo hace. Ya sea en posar para fotos o vivir nuestras vidas”, reflexiona.


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Insta vs Reality / OR changing your BODY does not change your BODY IMAGE. There was a time in my life when I was obsessed with being thin. I skipped meals. Memories. Moments. I was convinced if I lost those next 10lbs, if I hit this magical number in my mind, I would feel good. Strong. WORTHY. I was convinced I would be LOVED. And that maybe, just maybe, I would love myself too. But here’s the thing: Shrinking changed NOTHING. Except some number on a scale. Now I am heavier. Older. And I have never felt more confident in my body or in myself. It’s still a work in progress (always, maybe always), but I see my CELLULITE and don’t feel shame. I see my limbs with all their bits in ALL THE LIGHTING and love what they can do for me. And I see my heart, clumsy as it is, stumbling as it is, and I let it be. I let it exist without judgement. So today, I want to remind you something it too me far too long to learn: Changing our APPEARANCE won’t FIX what’s going on INSIDE. We can train and sweat and eat all the greens, but if we don’t solve what’s happening in our hearts or in our heads, those thoughts will remain. Those battles will remain. Whether they are related to how we see our BODIES Or how we view OURSELVES. The work starts inside. In our heads. In our hearts. In the quiet, raw, tender bits of our soul, that sit so fragile and so shy just crying out for love. In all these parts, that’s where the true change happens. And that’s something we can never really share in an insta/reality photo. But we can certainly like all the same. You got this girl. x Photo @chiclebelle who is just a wondrous woman. #selflove #bodyconfident #selflove #iweigh #feminist #mentalhealth #edrecovery

Una publicación compartida de Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) el



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